I learned that you have to work together as a team if there is a problem. I also learned that in physics, inertia can have a big effect on your roller coaster. If I could change my project, I would add more dominos after the ramp and I would fix the turn that we have that comes after the loop. I feel quite happy that we are done presenting. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At the same time I am quite sad to take it all apart. The project was challenging, but it was fun and exciting at the same time!
Monday, 9 June 2014
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Physics Project Reflection #3
I am very satisfied with our progress so far. We have completed three changes in direction for the rollercoaster and three changes for the Rube Goldberg. Inertia wants to keep the marble moving straight so when the marble has to take small turns, it falls off of the coaster. The camel hump on our rollercoaster has been frustrating because the marble keeps slowing down. It is because it doesn't have a lot of energy to keep moving past the hump. Our Rube Goldberg part of ther project has been working well. The marble is making it through the cup, the ramp and the dominos.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Physics Project Reflection #2
I feel like we are a little behind where we are supposed to be on our roller coaster projects. Our marble keeps falling off of the roller coaster because of little bumps. We started out with two loops, then we realized that there wasn't enough energy to get the marble through the second loop, so we removed the second loop. It is also quite frustrating when you have to keep removing tape and then putting it back on. I hope next class we get more work done like adding two camel humps and/or a corkscrew. It has been cool to see the different types of roller coaster that people are building and what progress they are making.